I had the intentions to fish from 9-11 pm last night, in search of worms and microbait. Since Thursday I have been fishing a particular spot, watching stripers lazily cruising and picking off bait at will, there is so much bait at this spot right now. Here is the pattern I have noticed:
Thursday- Bigger fish, few worms, alot of juvi silversides
Friday- Smaller fish, more worms than Thursday, and alot of shrimp
Saturday- Bigger fish, worms everywhere, and the usual JV silversides and shrimp
If the pattern held true, we would see smaller fish tonight, but who knows about the worms, would it be thicker than Saturday night, or was Saturday the peak?
A buddy and I made it out and arrived at our spot around 9:30. The wind was calm but enough to disrupt the surface of the water, it also pushed alot of debris in and dirtied up the water a bit. There was really nothing happening until around 11:30, when we started seeing a few worms, and just like that the smaller fish made a push in, smashing worms and silversides with reckless abandon. When the tide slacked, everything died down and it appeared that the small fish moved out, still no worms.
We sat around for a few minutes wondering if the worms would show for the July new moon, and a little after 1 they were everywhere. Almost as if someone rang a dinner bell, a school of bigger stripers moved in and started chasing bait, mostly worms and shrimp, with the occasional pod of silversides fleeing to the skies. We brought only a couple fish to hand, but lost a few and had quite a few follows.
By 3 the action died down, the bass took off, but the worms were still at it, unmolested. It was great to experience a few nights of solid worm hatch fishing, it was enlightening and maddening at the same time, consuming my thoughts while constantly thinking of different presentations and flies to crack the code. As my buddy and I walked back to the car, we joked that worm hatch fishing is worse than drugs, alluding that most junkies were probably sleeping at 3 am on monday morning.
Here is a big shrimp I grabbed last night.